Sea Cliff has two infinity swimming pools (one is 75 metres long) and a children’s pool, as well an ocean dhow.
The recreational area offers darts, pool, table tennis, 2 flood-lit tennis courts, squash court, trampolines, beach volley ball, bicycles and a gym. These facilities and equipment are available free of charge to hotel guests. A variety of board games are also available from the Sports and Recreation area.
The Watersports Centre offers sailing, wake boarding, water skiing, tubing, kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding (SUP) and windsurfing. All non-motorized water-sports are free of charge for hotel guests. The Sports and Recreation Centre organises water sports instruction, which is charged back to your room.
Children can visit the Kidz Club, a secure, contained playground supervised by child minders, with a mini climbing wall, arts, crafts and outdoor and indoor fun activities.

В рамках наших обязательств по предоставлению высококачественных услуг, сообщаем вам, что с 1 февраля 2022 года мы будем взимать сервисный сбор в размере 5% от общего счета, чтобы разделить его между нашими сотрудниками в качестве благодарности за их работу, гарантирующую волшебные воспоминания после отдыха у нас!

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